The other day we decided to a do a little photo shoot with the grandparents. We took a picture of Stella when she was born with her four grandparents so we wanted to do the same with Emerson, but we forgot in the hospital so we made up for it at home. Stella looks serious here, but she just was more into her book than a picture with Papa, Grammie, Big Papa and Gaga.
My dad had to leave before my mom so I caught a picture of him saying goodbye. Let's face's NEVER easy saying goodbye to grandparents. My mom just left yesterday and it was hard for Stella to say goodbye. Honestly, it was heartbreaking. But of course it was hard, for over two weeks Stella has had her Gaga all to herself to cook with, have tea parties, play dress up, dance, read books, boss around, take tubbies, etc. Thanks for everything from all the grandparents. We are super blessed with all the help during these first several days.