Ok, if you know my dad, aka Papa, then you might know that he thinks Build a Bear is the greatest thing ever. He has talked to us about Build a Bear before my brother or I were even thinking about having kids. He took my nephew there when he was two and Hunter wasn't totally into it, but he liked it. So today we were at the mall and just passed by it. We had NO intentions of actually building a bear, but we wanted to take Stella in and look. MY GOODNESS...she pratically jumped out of her stroller.
Here she is showing off her new "smile" and the chick and of course, bunny she liked. She wanted nothing to do with the bears. It took her awhile to decide between the chick or bunny.
In the end she picked the bunny...hard to believe I know :)
Here she is waiting for the lady to fill her bunny...she was not fond of the sound the machine made.
But she had a blast putting a heart in her bunny!
Showing of "Button" the bunny with Papa.
And of course, every bunny needs an outfit. So here they are getting Button all decked out.
As you can see she is very attached to her bunny.
So, we thought she wouldn't be quite old enough to enjoy Build a "bunny" but we were wrong.
Thanks Papa!
I think Stella has a new friend.
PS--later that afternoon she took Button to her nap with her and we could hear her on the monitor just talking away to her new friend!
Too Cute.
I'm sure this will not be our last trip to build a bear.
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