Here's the story of why we have the potty.
Lately Stella has been showing some interest in the potty and it really hit home this weekend when she saw Deacon go potty when we were in Little Rock. So, we had to go to Babies R Us while we were there and I decided to grab a potty.
We set it up Sunday night. At first Stella just liked playing with it, but then she put it in the bathroom.
Well, today she was playing with Tom and said poo-poo and was pointing to her diaper. Tom took her to the potty and she WENT! We were so excited. I would show you the proof in the potty, but I don't want to gross you out!
I still can't believe it. I told Tom that I don't know if I'm ready to start the potty training phase of life yet. Ha! Public thanks!
But Stella is SO proud of herself. We had to run a quick errand this evening and she just kept talking abut the potty. She even said Geeken (aka Deacon) potty, so I'm convinced seeing him spiked her interest in the potty. Thanks Geeken!
Anyway, we'll see how this goes. Like I said I'm in no hurry, but at least we've introduced the potty.
Congrats Stella! Glad to hear that you aren't too excited bc I feel the same with Sofia. She's pretty much potty trained, especially at the sitters where she stays dry all day, but with Sam I started at about 18 mths and it took us until after he turned 3 to be completey trained.
Hopefully it works out well and you won't have the troubles I had with Sam.
That's awesome!! If she is showing signs go for it. Asher was 3.5 years was ridiculous. :)
Deacon, I mean Geeken, and I are so proud of Stella. It is so much fun to see how excited they get when they go in the potty. I still can't believe they are already to this stage.
are you out of your mind syd!!!!!! GO FOR IT!!!! she is so ready. i have this amazing book, that you should get, but because she's so ready it wouldn't be as intimidating as the book looks . Get it and just look into it. but go for it. the book is called Toilet Training in Less Than a Day, by something Foxx and another guy. i don't have it with me i leant it to a friend. Borders or any book store should have it.
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