Last week was our spring break. And while it doesn't change things much around our house..just no school Monday and Wednesday for Stella and no dance, I thought I had to make the week extra fun. Well, after looking at the pictures I took it looks like all Stella did was eat, but I promise you we did more than that :)
We tried new things..I bought Stella a snack of Nutella since I've heard raving reviews. Well, she loved it! I tried it and quite honestly I don't know all the hype, but that's just my opinion.
Despite this smile, Emerson was kind of a bear this past week (I blame teeth), but anyway we tried the teething necklace. I don't know what I think of it.
These poor girls wanted to play outside so badly, but of course it was a pretty wet forecast, so we did a lot of coloring (no pictures sorry).
We made sweet treats. Stella loved putting the M&M's on top.
We escaped and joined up with some friends for a little play date. These little ones watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse like they'd never seen it before. Ha!
We stuffed our face with a yummy cupcake from sweet friends right before bed...perfect bedtime snack, right? IT'S SPRING BREAK!
Of course we dressed up like a princess so we could read about princesses!
And when the sun finally came out, we jumped at the chance to play outside.
YES, Stella loves this yellow polka dot dress and requests it almost everyday so if it's clean she's wearing it. I'm sure there will be many more posts with her sporting this dress.
Friday we had a blast at a tea party with some friends, but that will get it's own post. So on Sunday our little family topped off spring break with a trip out for frozen yogurt or ice cream as Stella insist it is. It was super fun!
12 years ago