Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's a....

We're already in love with this little profile! It didn't scan that clear, but trust me it's precious!
Here she is smiling at you. We were surprised when the ultrasound tech said girl, but we're so thrilled and excited about the new addition to our family. We have NO idea what we're going to name her, so if you have a suggestions let us know.
Thank you for all the sweet comments, texts, tweets, etc. We love you all.


Jessica Harriman said...


Misosauce said...

Congratulations! Girls are the sweetest and such a blessing. Stella will be a great big sister.

BJ, Shea, Drew, and Dax said...

Congratulations on your second baby girl! So exciting! :)

Jenna said...

I am soooo excited for you guys!!!