Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Today instead of battling our way through retail stores not sure what we want or need we helped our friends decorate our church. It was a beautiful afternoon so we headed out to put together Christmas trees and garland. Stella had a blast and Jenna did such a great job entertaining her while we worked.
Stella was showing Jenna her baby. It was so fun for me to watch them play together. Jenna was Tom and I's flower girl almost 5 years ago---it's crazy that she was playing with MY daughter. Time flies!
Here's Tom at work --- testing the lights.

So now that I helped at the church I can't put my own decorations off any longer. We're breaking them out tomorrow and Tom is putting lights on our house. I'm very excited. I love this time of year---so many memories, traditions, and time with friends and family...doesn't get any better!

1 comment:

Julee said...

I met Jenna last week when I went to help Renee Morris with her cheerleading team there at Church at Arkansas! She is so cute and sweet!