Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friends Forever

Friends FOREVER Where do I start? The last 36 hours have been jam packed with fun and familiar faces. Friday afternoon Stella and I headed to Little Rock to catch up with old friends and celebrate Reed's birthday (that's another post). We stayed at Deacon's house and it was a wild time with the Burn's and a visit from Lauren and Riley (they now live in California).
I said it was a wild night, but who doesn't like jumping on the bed!

Dance party 2010! Riley requested "All the Single Ladies" it was HILARIOUS!

I thought they looked like such big kids eating at their own table.

Just chatting over dinner. Check out Ashley's blog for more pictures--I was too busy chatting to get all the fun. Thanks Barnards for letting us invade your house!
I know I've said it a million times, but we are SOOO thankful for our amazing friends we made when we lived in Little Rock. I know we'll be friends for life! Love you guys!
Stay tuned for pictures for Reed's AMAZING birthday party.

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