Sunday, January 3, 2010


What do you do when you have two weeks in Oregon?
Stella would tell play with your COUSINS!!!
Ok, Hunter really because Sawyer is only a couple months, but boy oh boy did they have fun.
This is them jumping on the air mattress set up in my parents bonus room.

Hunter realizing they were caught.
Playing with the beads from GaGa's Christmas tree...these were a BIG hit. Hunter called them his octupus.

Stella even took a break to feed Sawyer one of her cheerios (don't worry we intervened in time).

They enjoyed the park on one of the sunny days while we were there.

And of course, what is a vacation with cousins if you don't jump on Papa and GaGa's bed!
Hunter and Stella would chase each other to my parents room and then...
they would walk back to the living room hand in hand...or Hunter pulled her along.

Hunter taking off her boots...I don't know why he has socks on his hands.

Snack time.

They loved to get outside and burn off some was a big hit.

Stella even read to Hunter. They just plopped down in the kitchen after nap and flipped through books.

And of course, they loved bathtime (or tubby time as Hunter calls it) together.

Some of the baths got wilder and wilder as the trip went on :)

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